Tuesday, April 24, 2012

as you like it .....

        Hi ,

                I am really confused with the appropriate title for this post . It's not floral , neither it is abstract , nor it is ethnic , so what actually it is ??? yes dear , I'm asking you people ... !  What do you think must be a suitable name ?  --- guess and let me know !

         Starting with a solo floral pattern ( above ) , I've made a few further modifications / additions , and variations in colour combinations too .

          Enjoy your visit here !!!

         Something different ,

              How to use these motifs ? No problem , embroider it with filling and outline stitches , or paint it on any of your favourite surface --- fabric ( for a dress , stoles , shopping bags , cushions , curtains ,  ) , wood ( doors , tables , chair backs , etc .) , trays , glass , mirror ... to name a few .Why not paint it simply on a white handmade paper , frame it , decorate your place or gift it to a friend who has a liking for handmade gifts ... and who can value your simple and loving gestures !

            In black and white ,

         see you next week .

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

borders .....

              Hi ,

                        Borders , borders and a lot more borders to play with , this week .

              I've chosen  the brighter side of yellow and pink....

           see you next week ....

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

getting more brighter .....

         Hi ,

                 This week also I've tried only one design in various colours .

      .......... in the shades of brown , orange and green ...

                  ......... print it ...

             .........in the shades of grey , orange and pista green ......

                  ..... in the shades of rust , navy blue and violet  ....

              ..... the top-most design without the black outline ...

              see you next week ....