Tuesday, June 28, 2011

...in my playful mood...--- 1


          There are , always , times when you feel free to do anything of your choice . Being in this mood you often create something that is totally unbelievable ( at least to you ...isn't it ??? ) .

            Today , I'm also in such mood ... playing with colours and effects . As a fun-loving and experiment-loving person I tried some patterns to be used and experimented in all sorts of surfaces. You can use from fabric to wood... from walls to windows... Anything that needs a '' dramatic '' makeover , can be brought out of the store rooms and given their due .

              Some stencil designs for your bed covers to garments , some patterns to be embroidered and painted , some to be done as framed wall pieces , etc. I've everything today ...

             So , go ahead , watch it , enjoy it and get inspired by it ...


                   watch out for more such playful patterns next week too...

                                                  bye, have a nice time ...